The Hit
The Hit

The Hit

Just when everything started looking fine, the phone rings. [Build a story]…

I was on my daily routine, woke up and get my emails, and tea, Even in this internet era we Indians never leave newspapers, it’s in our blood. ЁЯШЫ I went outside to grab the newspaper when I reach the door, I heard a dog barking, I got confused and thought about if I had a dog, after 10 seconds I realized It was my phone ringing, but what was my phone doing on the door, The door wasn’t locked, And as I opened the door, it was blank, Nobody was there in that colony. And nobody means No ‘Body’. I was totally shocked, I checked my room, and my room partner was also missing.┬а

┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а But then I saw a note on the wall, I guess my friend left that for me, It was written that he will leave at 5 o’clock for his home today. That gave me a moment of┬аrelaxation, then I smell something burning, I quickly went into the kitchen and find that the milk was┬аevaporated┬аand the vessel was red hot. I quickly turned off the gas, I was wondering when I put the milk on the gas. I suddenly realized that my phone was ringing, I came to the phone and checked there was no missed call. I checked again and again, but I found nothing. I went to the door again to get the newspaper. Now the door was not opening. I tried hard to open it but it didn’t I started shouting for help, and then I remembered that there was no one out there. I was still very confused that what exactly happening to me. I tried to look outside the window, I don’t know how I did but I fell outside, my room is on the first floor so it didn’t hurt that much, but it did hurt a bit. I stand up and went to the door side, and saw that two dogs were fighting for my newspaper, I went there and tried to get that newspaper out, but suddenly they both ran after me. This day was totally horrible. I was running so hard, and finally, they went away. But Now I didn’t know where I am. Actually, I was new to the city. After an hour I saw a girl, she came to me and asked for my phone. I was totally confused, she said, “Where the hell your phone is?”

┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а ┬а I asked, “Who are you?”

She was shocked, She said,” Are you kidding? you do not recognize your wife.”

Now I was damn shocked. When did I get married? I mean yesterday I was very happy about getting into college, and now this, what the F*#$?

┬а I asked, “Do I know you?”

┬аShe said, “Now one more joke, peter, And I am gonna give you a tight slap.”

I asked, “Who is peter?”

She said, “What happened to you, did you drink last night?”

I said, “I don’t drink at all, and My name is ……..”

OMG, I forgot what my name was.┬а

Then I saw Max, he is my friend and was going somewhere, I reach out to him and said, “Hey Max I don’t know what is going wrong with me “

At first, he didn’t recognize me, but then he said, “Ohh, Peter how are you?”

I asked, “Am I peter?”

He said, “Ye you are Peter, Actually you got hit last night by a car. And that’s why you are forgetting some things, some people took you to the hospital, they did something, and you were discharged very quickly, Are you okay now?”

I said, “No I am not”

I said, “My body knows what to do, but my mind doesn’t.”

That girl came to me and touched my head, and then I realized, I really got a very bad hit, It was still bleeding. She took me to my room, All three. Now everything was looking fine. But┬аJust when everything started looking fine, the phone rings.. And I picked it up, then someone said from the other side, “Hello, Nitin are you having a good time as Peter…………. ”┬а

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