You can play when you are on ground.
You can play when you are on ground.

You can play when you are on ground.

You can play when you are on the ground.

Cricket is one of the games that I have lived in, For most of the difficult times of my life, I have survived by thinking about cricketing solutions. This sounds a little crazy but if you have ever played professional cricket you can understand that there are so many things that we learn during our training in Cricket. Not just cricket, I think all the games in the world teach us how to live. How to not give up when it’s hard, how to live among people who don’t like you as a team sometimes, and how to keep going no matter how many times you have been knocked out. There are endless examples of such things. We can learn so much from sports, and I think every child in this world should have at least one physical sport that they like and also they perform well in that.

Now after thinking about all thinking I remember one thing in Cricket That Sachin Tendulkar once said when he was explaining little batting mindset. He is one of the greatest batsmen of all time. And also an inspiration to so many people all around the world. He has given so much to this country’s sports family. He once said these words, “You can’t do anything once you got out, you have to be a hundred percent in the match when you are on the ground.”

This hit me a lot, and I tried to give it lots of thought. And I got so many meanings from this particular sentence. He may have said it in a different manner but you can always make a fuss ЁЯШЫ┬а

So you all can also take this line and think about it in your way. I would suggest you please do that. Because that will improve your memory for this quote. In my thinking, the meaning of this line is that it is important to be into something as long as you can do something about it. I have been there. You are going to bat open in a test match that is 90 overs long, which will take 6 hours of the whole day, and if you got out on the first ball, all you can do is sit outside and observe. And if you are cursing yourself for all those hours, then you are doing nothing but torturing your brain for being natural. I used to do that. And almost every cricketer who was with me used to do this. No one told me this that time otherwise I would have been a good cricketer and won’t be writing about this in my blog ЁЯШЫ┬а

So I think you should give it all your mind and physique as long as you can do something about it. You should empty your mind before every ball and focus on the ball until you have hit it. You can compare it to your life situation. It’s the best way to deal with any serious situation. After making one bad decision, we keep thinking about the same mistake again, we let the guilt suck us into a black hole of despair. I think we should switch it off once we cannot do anything about it. And that will give us peace by which we can go to the next step of our life as soon as possible.┬а

So thank you Cricket and Sachin Tendulkar for this lesson. I hope you all liked this article. Please share this with your friends. Thank you 

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