Customer is always Right
Customer is always Right

Customer is always Right

Well, we all have heard this, haven’t we? So the customer is always right, people use it to make every single fact that is coming from the customer’s mouth legitimate. They justify that it’s their need. And we are getting paid for fulfilling it. We all need money, and in the business world, where creating an alternative money option called decentralized digital money, earns lots of profit. Even when physical access to that product doesn’t exist. There was no need for that kind of product, and also there was. It’s a dream that people will have their money in their own hands, where transparency can exist. But turns out, that bitcoin is messier than government money. This is business. Very complicated to understand. As to why some things work and why some things do not. This is the very reason created the phrase Customer is always right.

I am a science guy. So when I need some result from some experiment, or when I do coding to solve a particular problem. I have to put my mind around the problem or subject. So that every step or thought process that I generate in my mind would be another step in order to solve that problem or finding the reality of the experiment. In the business case, the customer is the product or experiment. We all wanna know what will work.

Steve Jobs has said that customer doesn’t know what they want. And he has built most of his product for the product’s sake. Instead of thinking about how will the customer want this product. With this philosophy in mind, Steve Jobs was able to define products very innovatively. That’s why Apple has such great products. But Microsoft did not think that way 

Bill gate’s Philosophy of running a business was different. In his book, Back to basics, Bill gates defined his strategy as a neural system. That brain sends a signal to the body part whichever needs it. It also sends blood and every other thing. He also built his product based on customer preference. People don’t want costly PC. They also don’t want any complex system which is hard to understand. In my opinion, Bill gates were not much of a product person, he was a businessman. 

 So by the above discussion, we can state that both kinds of success exist. There is no single way of defining the business. Both kinds of philosophy exist. The only thing that decides this, is the way we want our customers to be. We chose our customers. Even if we want all of them to buy our product. But eventually, only those will stay our customers, whose behavior suits our philosophy. 

So I believe that customer is not right. The customer is as right as we want it to be. I think business should be more analyzed on how customer philosophy should work. If you have a great product, customers will come, if customers are using your products it’s a great product. Both are dependent.

The discussion will go on, please share your thoughts with me at –

Thanks for reading

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